libdataframe - Portable DataFrames in C and C++
is an in-progress library for performing in-memory, structured
data analysis: essentially a column-store equivalent to sqlite for use in ad-hoc
data analysis and visualization. We started project after finding no easy
portable equivalent to Pandas or R dataframes.
Basic Goals:
- Easy-to-read structured datasets and analysis from some on-disk format, such
as CSV.
- Robust and natural timeseries analysis
- Easy to decoding/encoding to other formats (CSV, HDF5, Parquet, Apache Arrow),
but as separate libraries.
- Fast, performant, well-tested, and well-understood
- Written to C++, but portable to other languages: easy FFI for compiled and
interpreted languages via C bindings (as a starting point: Python and
- FFI-based interpreted language bindings should be usable from interactive
programming environments such as Jupyter notebooks.
Distant, or Explicit Non-Goals:
- Avoiding crazy C++ template metaprogramming and smart expression template
- No hipster technologies or languages
- Streaming writes or analysis on streams
- SQL standard, SQL interpreter interface
- Protocol Buffer, Thrift, JSON, etc. ingest interfaces
- Interop with other systems (i.e., Apache Arrow’s approach to zero-copy between
differing Apache big data projects., etc.)
See the rest on Github.