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16 March 2018 - San Francisco

The Metric Geometry and Gerrymandering Group (MGGG) hosted a workshop in SF around redistricting, gerrymandering, and voting rights. My notes from the event are below.

Errors, omissions, and inaccuracies here are entirely my own! If you have any errata, please let me know.

Thursday, March 15

09:30 - 10:20AM - Moon Duchin (Tufts) - slides

Math, Politics, and Law in the Study of Gerrymandering

10:30 - 11:20AM - Kris Tapp (St Joseph’s) - slides

Measurements of Political Gerrymandering

11:30 - 12:20PM - Santiago Olivella (UNC) - slides

Other Frontiers: Voting Precincts and Associated Voting Costs

02:00 - 02:50PM - Eric McGhee (Public Policy Institute of California) - slides

Partisan Gerrymandering and the Supreme Court

03:00 - 03:50PM - Michal Migurski (PlanScore)

Making Gerrymandering Boring

05:00 - 05:50PM - Bruce Cain (Stanford)

By Form or By Outcome? The Fifty Year Quest for Redistricting Fairness

06:00 - 07:30PM - Justin Levitt (Loyola Law), Moon Duchin (Tufts), Michal Migurski (PlanScore)

Panel Discussion - “Technology and Law in Redistricting”

Friday, March 16

09:30 - 10:20AM - Lisa García Bedolla (UC Berkeley) - slides

Why the Lines Matter: Race and Representation

10:30 - 11:20AM - Greg Herschlag (Duke) - slides

Quantifying Gerrymandering: Revealing Political Structure with Sampling

11:30 - 12:00PM - Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman and Kelsey Kauffman

Modern Malapportionment: Prison Gerrymandering and Local Redistricting

02:00 - 02:40PM - Tanya Cecena Pellegrin (MALDEF) and Jonathan Stein (Asian Americans Advancing Justice) - slides

The California Voting Rights Act

02:50 - 30:40PM - Ellen Veomett (St. Mary’s) - slides

The Efficiency Gap, Voter Turnout, and the Efficiency Principle

03:50 - 04:40PM - Karin Mac Donald (SWDB and UC Berkeley) and Denise Hulett (MALDEF)

Implementation Challenges and Race Discrimination in the Era of Algorithms

06:00PM - 07:30PM - Colleen Mathis (AZ Commission Chair), Wendy Underhill (National Conference of State Legislatures Redistricting Coordinator), California Commissioners: Angelo Ancheta (D), Vince Barabba (R), Cynthia Dai (D), and Michelle DiGuilio (I)

Panel Discussion - Independent Commissions and Redistricting Reform