Tracks the state of county voter registrations in North Carolina for the 2020 General Election.
- New voter registrations measured from 02-28-2020.
- Voting eligible determined from the all adults (natural-born and naturalized) over age of 18, based on the 2018 ACS Survey. We do not include margins of error.
For more details, see the Github repo. We generate all graphs and summary statistics from this Jupyter notebook.
- Based on open data from NCSBE and the US Census. For more details, see notes on sources.
- ‘Under Construction’ gif is from the Archive Team GeoCities archive.
- 2020-10-30
- New graphs: Accepted ballots broken down by ballot request type and demographic for state and all counties.
- 2020-10-23
- New map: statewide polling places and precincts.
- 2020-10-20
- New map: replaced registration map with interactive Google Map of rejected absentee ballots.
- 2020-09-13
- New summary table rows: ABM submissions and rejects.
- New table: Top demographics and counties for ABM submissions and rejects.
- New graphs: weekly and per-county ABM submissions and rejects.
- 2020-09-06
- New tables: ABM demographics and ABM/registration summaries until current date.
- New graph: weekly ABM registrations by demographic.
- 2020-09-05
- Updated for registrations and ABM up to 2020-09-05.
- Added voting and volunteering information page, one-stop early voting map.
- 2020-08-30
- New graphs of absentee vote by mail requests since January 2020
- 2020-08-22
- New graph: Population density and registration changes by county.
- Consolidated party change statistics and overall registration changes.
- Updates for 2020-08-22 voter registration statistics.
- 2020-08-16
- Draft webpage and data updates for 2020-08-15 voter registration statistics.
This work is covered by the Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 4.0. If reproducing any of this summary data or analysis, in part or in full, please cite this page (as well as the NCSBE) and provide a link to the license.
For more details, see the license text.
Questions? Feedback? Concerns?
Email mookerji@gmail.com.